The LibDem Party in Parliament
Liberal Democrats have elected 72 Members of Parliament at the 2024 General Election. This is a record result for the party.
Liberal Democrats are now the third-biggest party in the House of Commons.
More than three-and-a-half million people voted Liberal Democrat in this election.
Help us to build the LibDem voice for the future - we need volunteers, money and supporters.
If you want to help - please contact Martin Griffiths email
Please join The Hastings & Rye LibDem annual lunch which will take place at the Bannatyne Hotel, Battle Road, Hastings TN38 8EA on Sunday 24th November at 12.30 for a 13.00 sit down meal.
Stephen Lloyd, the former LibDem MP for Eastbourne has kindly agreed to be our guest speaker. Stephen was the MP for Eastbourne from 2010 to 2015 and 2017 to 2019. His front bench roles included Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Northern Ireland, the DWP and in the coalition government, as PPS to the Environment Secretary.
The cost excluding drinks will be £37.50 per head or £40 if booked after 31st October
Our previous lunches have been a great success, and we hope you will join us and that you will invite family and friends to enjoy good food and good company.
There will be a raffle and if we have enough numbers we will hold an auction as well.
To book tickets please email Bob Lloyd and send payment direct to;