hARoLD 2022 No7 - Our latest Newsletter on local events

Articles List download the magazine as a pdf
LibDem Annual Lunch 30th Oct 2022
AGM at The White Rock Hotel 7.30pm 11th November
Tribute to Jenny who sadly passed on the 22nd Sept still in post as Secretary of the Bexhill and Battle LibDems.
Rye swimming pool will be closing form the 1st Nov
Eastbourne LibDems annual dinner on the 10th Nov at 6.30pm with guest speaker TV historian Dan Snow.
SE Regional Conference and AGM on Saturday 19th November
Rother District Council Elections May 2023 - planning now.
Fact finding on Farms: Post Brexit there is a need to re-write our agricultural policy.
The LibDem pint on 30th November at 8pm at The Red Lion pub at Brede - all welcome
Candidate selection 23rd Nov at 7.30 pm and 7.45pm via Zoom
- The Executive Committee of Hastings & Rye LibDems will be meeting at 7.45 pm on Wednesday 23rd November to formally select our candidate for the Southern Rother ward in the Rother District Council elections next May.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 818 7302 3910
Passcode: TLL6SV - The Executive Committee of Hastings & Rye LibDems will be meeting at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 23rd November to formally select our candidate for the Rye & Winchelsea ward in the Rother District Council elections next May
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 8252 6693
Passcode: 1BJMGp